Summarising my conclusions on food and diet.... This is what I firmly believe after a lot of reading on the subject:
Irrespective of what science says, according to me these rules apply
Avoid processed foods.
Cook at home or get it delivered from someone who cooks at home, next best is eating at a darshini
Anything that has a long shelf life is not food. Therefore, most of the branded foods we buy are not qualified to be called food
The source of your nutrients is more important than the count. Stop counting calories, stop looking at labels
Buy only what grows, and cook
Eat only what spoils, but eat it before it spoils
Eat mainly vegetarian food
Eat within hours of cooking. No fridge, and reheating very rarely
Avoid pasteurised and homogenised milk. Since any other kind is difficult to procure in the city, avoid milk
Ghee is good
Avoid refined oil. Buy cold pressed
Avoid table salt or manufactured salt. Buy raw unrefined sea salt or himalayan rock salt
Avoid manufactured atta, buy wheat and get it ground at the local chakki
Avoid microwaved food
Reduce the amount of rice and wheat in the diet, increase fruits and vegetables
As far as possible trace all the ingredients in all your food right to the source.
Reduce white sugar to the extent possible
Avoid milk products, and bakery products.. Unless you make those items at home
First is to avoid processed foods
Then apply the above rules
Then, buy organic... This ensures good food practices at the source of the food production cycle
Dinesh Gooalan
4 March, 2018
You right. These are in our scripts on food, health, exercise, sleep, do's and don'ts, mainly mental health that brings happiness and health and longevity. Here I have Added one more is pure oxygen breathing amidst greenery. In Kolli hills people easily are living healthy life upto 80 years. Mind plays important role in health.
Thank you
Great insights. Thank you! Isn't Ghee a milk based product. Is it still good fit health? If you can also help understand which fruits and vegetables need to be avoided? For eg. I read that vegetable like potato having simple carbs is not good for health cause that converts to sugar. Can you throw some more light on this.
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