We give away our children to schools in order for them to learn. Schools are governed by Boards. The giant machine called the system takes over and education is not a priority, pushing agendas is.
We give ourselves away to Doctors and hospitals to remain healthy. Hospitals are governed by Boards. The giant machine called the system takes over and health is not a priority, pushing agendas is.
We give ourselves away to our employers to earn a living. Employers are governed by Boards which are influenced by investors. The giant machine called the system takes over and the welfare of any stakeholder is not a priority, pushing agendas is.
We give ourselves away to the food companies since we don't have time to cook. Food companies are governed by Boards. The giant machine called the system takes over and health is not a priority, pushing agendas is.
We give ourselves away to Banks to take care of our money. Banks are governed by Boards. The giant machine called the system takes over and our financial wellbeing is not a priority, pushing agendas is.
We give ourselves away to a huge chain of intermediaries on a huge number of things. The chain is concerned about its own welfare and governed by Boards. The system grinds on, and no person in the chain will defy the system to take care of our interests; they will, knowingly or unknowingly, push the system's agenda.
The system whose agenda is being pushed, in each case, gets hijacked by vested interests.
The system, like a giant octopus, puts its tentacles into us and feeds off our blood. The more the blood we give away, the more our ability to resist the system reduces, and the more we fall into the clutches of the giant octopus.
The only way to ensure our own welfare is to take care of ourselves.
Home School our kids.
Cook our own food.
Be our own nutritionist.
Prescribe our own medicines.
Rely on things like hospitals only to the extent unavoidable, and take our own decisions on when, where and how much.
Be our own financial planner or catch hold of someone who genuinely works for our welfare.
Educate ourselves constantly.
Practice Self Care. Be self reliant.
And survive.
( Posted to my blog: http://www.dineshgopalan.com)