An excellent article in today's TOI about how our immune systems break down.
What is stated here is Immunology 101, basically common sense.
Summary: ( with my comments in brackets)
Your illnesses are getting longer and more debilitating because your immune systems are getting weaker.
Reasons: poor diet, lack of exercise, high stress and insufficient sleep.
( In order of importance, first comes proper sleep, followed by diet, followed by exercise)
Also: misuse of antibiotics. Even if used properly antibiotics destroy good gut bacteria. ( Ayurveda recognises the gut as the seat of health. Add: all allopathic medicines are harmful, period. )
And now comes the big point: viruses, especially those causing cold and flu, mutate rapidly. ( And hence, and hence, vaccines cannot protect you from covid, or any other cold and flu virus. Pure common sense and I am not saying this based on hindsight, I said this before the covid vaccine was released. And if all allopathic medicines are harmful, if antibiotics are even more harmful, vaccines are even more deadly. Vaccines are a cocktail of poisons. The vaccine cannot protect you against viruses that mutate rapidly, it needs an, a hilarious term follows, "update" every few months. And here is the fun fact: every vaccine that you take weakens the immune system further. And every vaccine that you don't take strengthens the immune system further. Hahaha the joke is on all of us Muppets! )
And finally the last para. Children have weaker immune systems, their immunity strengthens as they get "exposed". ( Hahahahaha. Which is exactly why social distancing should not be practised. Again, Immunology 101).
( Let me add one final point that the article does not talk about. Deep breathing is absolutely vital to good health. Most of us do not know how to breathe properly. To learn, contact a yoga teacher. Masks make you breathe shallow and hence are extremely harmful to your health. This is basic 101, yogis have known it for centuries. Your allopathic medical system knows nothing about it. But then, your allopathic medical system does not know anything about health. The surest way to destroy your health is to follow your doctor's advice)
( Posted to my blog: )
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