Friday, January 10, 2025

How a God is turned into a Demon

The Sun is considered as God in every pagan culture. Exposure to sunlight is necessary for good health, Vitamin D being only one of the reasons but a very important one in today's context. Of course, people know all about when and how much exposure to have, wearing turbans / caps, hydrating, cooling drinks, etc. 

Of course, such embedded traditional wisdom is bad for commerce. 

So what do the modern marketers do? 

1. Demonise the sun. Sun exposure causes cancer! Tan! Wrinkles! Skin that looks like parchment! 
2. Embed the fear deep, so that it becomes unquestioned dogma.
3. Put some cheap chemicals in tubes, which is of course bad for the skin ( the skin is a living breathing organ, and you ingest whatever you apply on it) , and convince people that it is good for them. Sun protection is just one example
4. Sell those cheap chemicals at obnoxiously high prices. Do this next time you buy any cosmetic. It is say 300 rupees for a twenty gram tube. That works out to 15,000 rupees a kg. Cold pressed coconut oil which is the best skin remedy in the world costs 450 rupees a kg.
5. Convince people that they need, as in NEED, the chemicals in the tube, in order to live. This thing, convincing people,  modern marketing is highly skilled in doing. As to the ethics of the marketing profession, that is a whole different story for another time. 
6. And then, you reach this stage. Where a "sunscreen" is considered "essential" even when you don't go out in the sun. See the billboards which say so"sunscreen not just for a sunny day, for any day!" 
7. And then people stop going out in the sun, and apply cancer causing chemicals on their skin by the shitloads( pun intended).

We live in an age where all the accumulated wisdom of the ages is being systematically erased. It only takes two or three generations for the process to be complete. 

It is not inconceivable that, fifty or hundred years from now, whoever goes out in the sun is arrested for endangering others since sun exposure can cause infectious diseases, which it will, since people will be so weakened with indoor life and being repeatedly vaccinated,  that they will have to live only in  artificial chambers. 

( Posted to my blog: )

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