With the HMPV drama, masking is once more a thing. When I call someone I have to hear a full minute of "wear masks, follow social distancing" kind of nonsense before the call goes through.
Sigh, there we go again! But then, we always knew that Covid was only a trailer. There are more, many more to come.
Given this backdrop, it is good to reflect on the following:
1. Are masks effective in stopping the spread of germs? If they really are, then it would have stopped the flow of air also, and you would be dead by now.
2. The body has its own immune system to handle viruses, starting with the nasal passage itself. Trust it.
3. Deep breathing equals health. Shallow breathing equals sickness. ( Read up on it if you don't believe me. Avoid reading any allopathic literature of course, they don't know their nose from their assholes). Masks make you breathe shallow. Think about it.
4. The dirty mask is saturated with your own exhaust, and you are breathing IN through that muck.
5. The microplastics in the masks enter your lungs.
6. The psychological effect of wearing masks are terrible.
7. Masking is a psychological tool used by those in power to keep the population in perpetual panic mode.
8. Those who are working, and especially heading, organisations which have espoused mask policies, will have huge cognitive dissonance in accepting any of this.
9. Forget science, forget medicine. What does your common sense tell you?
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