Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Oh what a farce of an election,
Of a crumbling once great Nation; 
Everyone's racing to choose between, 
Two execrable abominations! 

One is a bull in a China shop,
Swaggering around wearing a cowboy hat; 
The other is a cackling idiot,
Who defines cringe and makes your skin crawl! 

Each half votes against the other, 
No one here is for the Nation; 
An election defined by hate, 
Voting for Captain while the ship is sinking! 

Like fiddlers on the Titanic they play,
Foot tapping music for the masses,
Who dance away oblivious;
It is a tragicomical farce! 

Meanwhile the wrold runs on its own, 
Or it would be seemingly so; 
The real helmsmen are behind the scenes, 
It really does not matter who wins! 

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