Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The West discovers "floor sitting"

The West has discovered  "floor sitting" as a key to good health. A group of scientists has come out with a finding on how sitting on the floor is a good thing to do. 

The fun starts only now. There will be classes on floor sitting, gym memberships for floor sitting gyms where they will provide a high tech floor and Nike certified floor sitting coaches. 

Twenty ways to floor sit, Harvard floor sitting seminar, and of course  floor sitting therapists. "Dear Agony Aunt", will read queries in the newspaper, "when I sit on the floor, others look at me strangely, and I have developed, as a result, a deep floor sitting phobia. What should I do", will ask one hopeful. "You must visit a floor sitting therapist, but only after consulting your doctor. These kind of traumas are especially stressful" , etc etc .

There will be a sudden plethora  of floor sitting mats and aids, advertised, branded, and promoted as an alternative lifestyle option. 

Someone in the US will patent floor sitting, anyone sitting on the floor will have to pay a royalty, they will say, with official sanction from the US Government. 

The Indian Government will publish a report through the Ayush Ministry on how floor sitting is an ancient practice, which the west stole from India, and hence it is not patentable. The woke liberal lobby led by Balak Buddhu will say the Indian Government is being anti progressive, regressive, unscientific and anti people. 

Meanwhile the furniture lobby will fund research which proves that floor sitting leads to piles and fistula. The Pharma companies will fund further research which will study people who only sit on the floor and only eat junk food, which will find that all these people landed up with deadly ailments, thus proving that floor sitting is the root cause of six hundred different ailments. The Pharma lobby  will put pressure on WHO to ban floor sitting worldwide. 

Caste activists funded by George Soros, will campaign to  ban floor sitting because it is a tool of oppression used by the Brahmin Male Patriarchal exploiters to oppress the lower castes. California, being a progressive liberal state will ban floor sitting. 

And so on and so on. Once the westerners discover something good,  one can always predict the flow of events...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful analysis of the WOKE WEST aping ancient Indian techniques without any reference to our history. 😀