Whenever any great person achieves greatness, they are invited to give a "commencement speech" to the next generation of young hopefuls who would presumably be enthused by the great man's or woman's words in their quests to go and conquer the world!
Now all these people who come on the podium at such events are veteran speakers who have been there, done that, and have no doubt made hundreds of speeches. But there is something about addressing young hopefuls that brings out the best in them.
They all try to distil their lives into as few lessons as possible and deliver it to the young hopefuls who are looking adoringly at them willing to absorb every golden word falling from their lips, integrate the success mantras in their lives, and remember the great person's words at crucial stages in their lives and careers. Or that is what they think.
Meanwhile the listeners couldn't care a shit about what the great person is saying. I have yet to see a single college boy or girl paying attention to what anybody is saying, leave alone paying attention to a speech. All advice given to the young falls on deaf ears and all efforts at improving them are wasted.
Then why do the great persons do it? Why do they accept such invites to speak at commencement ceremonies? Partly because their son or nephew is graduating, and they can't refuse; or they are an alumnus from the same school. And partly because all cynicism has not yet gone out of their lives, they still feel someone somewhere out there will be inspired by their words and thus they can pass on their hard learned wisdom to future generations - in short, their egos are gratified. Basically they are all very strong reasons which is why an invitation to give a commencement speech is a succulent treat no one can resist.
Take this typical man here for example. Retured army general or supreme court justice or some such dignitary. I am sure the chap genuinely means what he is saying to the young hopefuls. "You must face misfortunes so that you will become strong", "you must encounter setbacks so that you learn to fight" etc etc. The audience hearing all that is waiting impatiently to rush out to party the night away. And to rush out into the world to commit the same mistakes, repeat the same follies that every generation before them has committed and repeated.
Every prophet since Moses, every well intentioned speaker since the dawn of time has faced the same fate. They may as well be talking to the mirror in their room for all that the world cares.
Meanwhile, I love hearing these commencement speeches. There is always some good advice hidden in there. The fact that it is too late for me is most relevant - that is when people start paying attention! If you are appreciating commencement speeches, it means you have retired!
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