Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Expired Milk!

There is this news item which says people are upset that a McDonald's employee used expired milk to make milk shakes. It is causing a furore. 


The milk has already expired even before it was put into the packet. 

You create separate cow species, like Jersey or Holstein, "optimised" for milk production. 

You house the whole lot in cattle farms, in close disease-inducing proximity. 

You feed the cows food mash, not grass and other naturally growing food,  laced with antibiotics. You inject the cows with oxytocin to increase contractions that increase milk production. 

The milk is transported over long distances to the factory. To prevent the milk from  curdling on the way, people in India add urea to it ( yes urea the fertiliser), don't know what they do in the US. 

Then the milk is pasteurised, which please note, is not the same as boiling the milk that we do at home. Pasteurisation is supposed to kill all the bad germs. Unfortunately, it kills all the germs, including the good ones. 

Then the milk is homogenised, an innocuous sounding word, but what it does is to change the molecular structure of the milk itself. 

Then, and this is more so in the US, the milk is converted into a few hundred variants, no fat, ten percent fat, lactose free ( quite possible , I am sure this exists), diet milk, colored milk, flavoured milk, goo, poo... The list can extend indefinitely. 

And we the people buy that crap from the supermarket shelves. 

What we are buying  looks like milk, it tastes like milk, but is not milk. 

And then we worry about someone giving us milk that is past its expiry date! 

I feel like telling them: 

The milk, my friend, expired long long ago. You are making much ado about nothing!

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